
The Taxonomy Database contains terms or phrases used at the Swedish labour market. These are called concepts in the database. Every concept has a unique concept-ID, a preferred label and a type. We aim to use the terminology of SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Here's an explanation of some of the terminology:

ConceptA concept can be viewed as an idea or notion, a unit of thoughtData/IT
SchemaThe top-level structure of the taxonomyOccupation
TypeThe type of a conceptOccupation field
Preferred labelThe preferred label for a conceptTorgförsäljare
Alternative labelAn alternative name of a concept, can be displayed externallyTorgknalle
Hidden labelA label of a concept that should not be displayed externallyGatumånglare
DefinitionThe explanation of a conceptWorking with system development, programming or maintenance of systems and networks

Some concepts include extra attributes like definitions and alternative labels. The concepts are connected in schemas, see the schema headlines below.

Within schemas the concepts are linked with relationships.

The content of the Taxonomy Database is constantly improved and updated by the JobTech editorial team. New versions of the database will be released at regular intervals. However the data is immutable, none of the concepts/terms are deleted in the Taxonomy Database. If a concept becomes outdated for the matching purposes, it is tagged with a deprecated flag, but it is still available in the API from some endpoints.

The Taxonomy Database contains several schemas. Some of these schemas are multilevel taxonomies with hierarchical relationships between concepts. Some schemas are merely simple collections of concepts. The following section will walk you through the schemas and relations within the database.